Table Maker Module

Our Table Maker Module helps you create perfect, responsive tables. With multiple user-friendly settings, it enhances the UI design of your tables, making them elegant and beautiful.

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How To Include Module

  1. In your webpage search table maker module
  2. Click and drag & drop the module

How To Add Columns & Rows

i) Add Table Multiple Columns

  1. Edit table maker module
  2. At left sidebar click "clone" icon to add a columns

ii) Add Table Multiple Rows

  1. Edit table maker module
  2. At left sidebar edit column
  3. Click "Clone" icon to add a rows

How To Style Table Columns & Rows

i) Style Table Columns

  1. Edit table maker module column option
  2. At left sidebar enable "Display column style" checkbox
  3. Edit "Table column typography options", "Table column outline options ( Border & Border radius )", "Table column shadow options", "Table column background type" & "Spacing options"

i) Style Table Rows

  1. Edit table maker module column option
  2. At left sidebar edit column option and then edit row options
  3. Enable "Display row style" checkbox
  4. Edit "Table row typography options", "Table row outline options ( Border & Border radius )", "Table row shadow options", "Table row background type" & "Spacing options"

How To Apply Table Width & Height

i) Table Column Width

  1. Edit table maker module
  2. At left sidebar edit column which you want
  3. Enter column width in pixel value which you want

i) Table Row Height

  1. Edit table maker module
  2. At left sidebar edit column
  3. Edit Row which you want
  4. Enter row height in pixel value which you want

How To Edit Table Frame

i) Table Spacing

  1. Edit table maker module
  2. At left sidebar edit & enter "Column gap" and "Row gap" in pixel value which you want

i) Table Text Alignment

  1. Edit table maker module
  2. At left sidebar edit "Table text alignment" options
  3. At the drop-down choose your alignment option which you want

How To Edit Table Cells

i) Table cell styling options

  1. Edit table maker module
  2. At left sidebar click "Style" tab
  3. Enable "Override default style" checkbox
  4. Edit "Table typography options", "Table outline options ( Border & Border radius )", "Table shadow options", "Table background type" & "Spacing options"
i) Table typography options
  1. Edit "Table typography options" group
  2. You can edit in this group as "Font family, Font Size, Font Weight, Line height, Letter spacing & Text transform" options
ii) Table outline options
  1. Edit "Table outline options" group
  2. You can edit in this group as "Border & Border radius" options
iii) Table shadow options
  1. Edit "Table shadow options" group
  2. You can edit in this group as shadow options on table cells
    • i) Horizontal length: This value specifies the horizontal distance. Negative values place the shadow to the left of the element.
    • ii) Vertical length: This values specifies the vertical distance. Negative values place the shadow above the element.
      (If both "Horizontal length" and "Vertical length" are set to 0, the shadow is placed behind the element (and may generate a blur effect if blur radius and/or spread radius is set))
    • iii) Blur radius: The larger this value, the bigger the blur, so the shadow becomes bigger and lighter. Negative values are not allowed. If not specified, it will be 0 (the shadow's edge is sharp).
    • iv) Spread radius: Positive values will cause the shadow to expand and grow bigger, negative values will cause the shadow to shrink. If not specified, it will be 0 (the shadow will be the same size as the element).
iv) Table background type
  1. Edit "Table background type" drop-down
  2. You can edit in this group as "Background image, Background color & Background gradient" options
v) Table Spacing options
  1. Edit "Table spacing options" group
  2. You can edit in this group as "Margin & Padding Spacing" options

How To On/Off Table Odd & Even Row Options

  1. Edit table maker module
  2. At left sidebar click "Style" tab
  3. Enable "Override default style" checkbox
  4. At bottom you can find "Display row as odd and even" checkbox enable it.
  5. Then you can find styling options of "Odd row options" & "Even row options". You can edit and style your table odd and even row cells

How To On/Off Table Odd & Even Column Options

  1. Edit table maker module
  2. At left sidebar click "Style" tab
  3. Enable "Override default style" checkbox
  4. At bottom you can find "Display column as odd and even" checkbox enable it.
  5. Then you can find styling options of "Odd column options" & "Even column options". You can edit and style your table odd and even column cells


i) Simple Table

ii) Column Header on Responsive

iii) Row Header on Responsive

ii) Row & Column Header on Responsive


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